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One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab - Maths Storybook Lesson

Lesson plan and supporting resources to accompany the counting legs maths picture book ‘One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab’ by April Pulley Sayre and Jeff Sayre. The lesson and tasks are differentiated so that they can be used for all ages from Years 1-6.

5.00 GBP

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Fractions in Disguise - Maths Storybook Lesson

Lesson plan and supporting resources to accompany the Maths adventure picture book ‘Fractions in Disguise’ by Edward Einhorn. The lesson can work for Years 3 or 4, and is based around the learning objective of equivalent fractions.

3.75 GBP

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A Mousy Mess - Maths Storybook Lessons

This is a series of 5 short lessons with supporting activities and resources to accompany the Maths picture book ‘A Mousy Mess' by Laura Driscoll. The unit is designed for EYFS based around the EYFS Framework.

3.75 GBP

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