Staff Meeting Ready-to-Go Slides

Finding the time to put together a well thought-through staff meeting or INSET can sometimes be the final straw that breaks the camel's back. That's why I decided to share some of the staff meetings and training slides that I have spent previous hours creating - so you don't have to!

All of these PowerPoints contain notes to explain some slides a little further (so that if you want to you can pass them off as your own!)

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Dyscalculia - Staff Training

Staff training focusing on how to identify and support children suffering from Dyscalculia: a hugely under-diagnosed and under-represented neurodivergent condition. 13 slides with research figures and lots of ideas for how teachers, TAs and SLT can support.

3.95 GBP

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Maths Anxiety - Staff Training

Staff training focusing on how to identify and support children suffering from Maths Anxiety, a growing barrier to learning in Maths. 12 slides with research figures and lots of ideas for how teachers, TAs and SLT can support.

3.95 GBP

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Reasoning and Problem Solving - Staff Training

Staff training on reasoning and problem solving skills, focusing on teaching these skills to younger children and less able readers. Struggling to find ideas outside of word problems to ensure coverage of these key skills? 18 slides with lots of ideas and examples for all primary ages.

3.95 GBP

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Multiplicative Relationships - Staff Training

Staff training focusing on how the mastery of early number and subitising can lead to a better understanding and application of multiplication and division skills, ensuring a greater depth comprehension than simply quick times tables recall. 26 slides with lots of mastery examples for all primary ages.

3.95 GBP

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What is Mastery? - Support Staff Training

Introductory overview training for support staff or ECTs on what mastery is and how they can support the teachers in delivering this for every child in every lesson. 15 slides with a pedagogical introduction followed by tangible examples and tips for supporting delivery.

3.95 GBP

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